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Monday, May 28, 2007

12hrs later n i wil be @ another place.

finali the time had come...


a butterfly landed @ 10:13 AM

Friday, May 25, 2007





a butterfly landed @ 10:12 AM

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

earlier i posted abt *breakfast*
n tatz the 1st time i tried the meehoon.
actuali itz <豆浆米粉> aka soyabean milk meehoon

J did go to the stall b4
n he saw tat the auntie did use soyabean milk to cook the meehoon.
so itz called <豆浆米粉>

itz real nice...
never gets tired eating it.

n herez the pix of the famous meehoon:

thu itz looks ordinary
the taste is YUMMELICIOUS
anyone who had tried it
sure say good!

a butterfly landed @ 10:26 AM

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

im havin back ache...
the ache exact location is:
@ moi lower back

i wont say moi pain is veri serious
but when am walking itz ached.

anw, i had this back ached due to the

yesterday, am ironing J shirts
n oni ironed 5 shirts i've got back ache liao
coz the iron board is reali veri low.
i was like 'bending down' to do the ironing.
hahhah maybe abit 'kua zhang' to say 'bend down'
i had extended to the max
but itz stil oni stand @ below moi waist maybe ard abdomen area.

n yesterday moi poor J
got neck ache
in chinese called 落枕 aka stiff neck.
coz of the chinese name,
i insisted tat becoz J pillow had ran away/fell off
so he got this 落枕 aka stiff neck.

落枕 - Wikipedia: 是因為晚上睡覺時頭部姿勢錯誤而產生的頸部和肩上肌肉拉傷,通常是由於頭部沒有放在枕頭上所致.

so im not totally wrong.

somemore not-so-good news:

i juz knw tat the FM933 DJ~chongqing
had an accident when he was @ Pulau Ubin.
~saw tat on cruz teng bloggie~
when i saw his pix (wif injuries)
i find tat he is so 'ke lian'
quite serious injuries.....

n cruz teng oso had met an accident...
can visit his blog for more stuff.

another one...
moi SIL (J' sis) had been hospitailized.
i duno whether she or J allowed me to blog this matter anot
so i wont write too much on tat.
she is better now =)
when i knw abt tat yesterday i had sms moi regards to her.
hope she is coping well....

~to all 3 pax~

Recover soon!

a butterfly landed @ 2:32 PM

Saturday, May 19, 2007


i 'did' it again
i bot OPIs again!

i reali cant stop the temptation on OPI Ink
~quite a new dark color~

so i went yahoo auction to search OPI again
n yeah!
the seller which i bought OPI Never Lon-Done Shopping was selling this OPI Ink.

of coz i wana opt for reg postage
so i ask her whether can i share the postage for 2 bottles
n yesh!
she will mail 2 bottles in 1 package.

so i bought 2 OPIs
wont *lugi* on the postage mah.

these are the OPIs am waiting in the mail:

~OPI Ink~

~OPI I'm Not Really A Waitress~
PS: i got these pix frm yahoo auctions so i din do any editing

i haf new colors to try nxt time!


a butterfly landed @ 9:50 AM

Friday, May 18, 2007

yup yup
had shifted to moi new office this monday
frm 4th floor to 3rd floor.
so 4th floor is basically empty

n moi office pix:


~moi table~
actuali i wil be sharing this room wif moi FIL
but he still haven started to use this room
so im still 'owning' this room alone.

got notice moi 'pink girlie aircon'
i got a name for it

coz it in purple/pink
such a nicey color

J chose the aircon design for me
but he din knw tat itz come in purple/pink
till he got the brochure n confirm wif the sales pax.

closer look of moi 'pink girlie aircon':

i will post more pix on this 'pink girlie aircon'
on moi
*clarinz world* aka My Words (friendster blog) tml.
itz liked a routine to blog on moi *clarinz world* on every sat le.

a butterfly landed @ 8:50 AM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

introducing moi Hello Kitty Box:

i bot this hello kitty box frm Japan Home
i found itz kinda cute n still got a small 'latch' for lock
actuali inside ter are cream cookies
but i dun like the cookies....
the cream taste kinda 'oily'

anw, the main purpose is i WAN the BOX!

but now inside the hello kitty box:

mostly are J stuffs

coz he told me his stuffs got no place to keep lei
so i let him use moi this hello kitty box since itz empty

stuffs inside are:
J's new n unused moisturizer
J's shavers
J's new batteries for shavers
moi nail polish remover pump


a butterfly landed @ 9:03 AM

Saturday, May 12, 2007

J bot me this on tue night:

muahaahaa itz jellies jellies
he used to buy me *多一个多一个* jelly.
moi 1st *多一个多一个* jelly is he buy de.
~treating me like a kid~

anw, i tink these jellies arent cheap.
they chrg by weigh.
500g = RMB10.50
n these 4 jellies come up to 300g+
so itz cost abt RMB7+ =/

on tat day after taking these pix
i cant wait to try out...

n i had this:

the taste is not bad
still can 'eatable'
i cant differentiate watz the dif flavour for the dif color jelly.
muahaahaa... i stil like it =D

J oso had tat jelly on tat night

n juz now b4 i post this entry
i had the big fruit jelly
the flavour was 'cherry'
n indeed the big fruit jelly
taste beta =D

i cant view blogspot again =(
this time duno how long wil it be...

a butterfly landed @ 2:25 PM

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Five Factor Personality Test

You have medium extroversion.
You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party. Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences. But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time."

You have medium conscientiousness.
You're generally good at balancing work and play. When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done. But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.

You have high agreeableness.
You are easy to get along with, and you value harmony highly. Helpful and generous, you are willing to compromise with almost anyone. You give people the benefit of the doubt and don't mind giving someone a second chance.

You have low neuroticism.
You are very emotionally stable and mentally together. Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly. Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed-making others feel secure.

Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is medium.
You are generally broad minded when it come to new things. But if something crosses a moral line, there's no way you'll approve of it. You are suspicious of anything too wacky, though you do still consider creativity a virtue.

i tink the result are quite ME.

a butterfly landed @ 10:27 AM

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

got these pix on one fine day
can guess itz a sunrise or sunset?

ppl who knw me well enuff will say
itz a sunset pix.
cos i wont be able wake up sooooo early
to catch a sunrise.

teres a bug name sleepy owayz inside me.

these pix wil be nicer
if tere arent any buildings n cables to 'block'
the 'egg yolk/咸蛋黄'

tat day,
the sky was so beautiful
itz in pale pink to orange...
so i grabbed moi cam n snap this
*egg yolk of the day*


a butterfly landed @ 11:03 AM

Monday, May 7, 2007

n the 3 good friends...

juz wana show the 3 'furballs' on our bed
n itz alwayz on our bed...

3 of them r J bot for me
n each haf a reason y he bot for me

each of them had their own name.
~ Lao da(the 1st one tat J bot n itz frm genting): which is the middle one, name is Jiafu aka 家福
*wuahhaa i came out wif this name; inspire frm carrefour*
~ Lao er: which is the small piglet, name is Xiao Jiafu aka 小家福
*hehheh... cos big one is Jiafu so 2nd pig is xiao jiafu lor*
~ Lao san: which is the pink monkie, name is houhou aka 猴猴
*itz monkey mah so name oso gotto do wif monkey*

is moi 3 'furballs' cute???
most imptly, all is in PINK.

a butterfly landed @ 11:15 AM

Saturday, May 5, 2007

my migraine is KILLING me!!!


since laz nite
i got a slight headache
n then itz did not go off
n become much serious...

til now moi head is still 'aching'
heh... reali duno how to describe it...

my skull is squeezing moi brain
n moi brain like gonna 'pi chak'

anw, this migraine causing me cant concentrate well on the things im doin
n i din paint moi nails too......

n lastly, im still working......

a butterfly landed @ 4:17 PM

Friday, May 4, 2007

problem kid strikes again...

J owayz called me tat
whenever moi 'good old frds' came
i did post earlier whoz r moi 'good old frds'
not tat 'aunty' huh.

i kept having headaches/migraine for the past few daz
n when finali done wif the headaches/migraine
here comes the tummy aches....
nothing juz go well

moi head weigh like an iron bar or even heavier
whenever im havin headache/migraine.

moi stomach was like washing machine turning madly
whenever i had tummy aches.

moi gastric was like pump *big small big small*
whenever im suffering frm gastrics pain.

oh pls let moi bod rest bah =)

a butterfly landed @ 2:57 PM

Thursday, May 3, 2007

am counting down the daz
the day which i can meet up moi mama papa
the day which i can play wif withley
the day which i can eat chicky rice wif J
the day which i can shop & shop & shop wif J
the day which i can put on MU + earrings n hand in hand go gai gai wif J

n those familiar places...

a butterfly landed @ 3:20 PM

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

laz yr xmaz J bot me a 摇摇头hello kitty
heh... n i haven 'start' using it
cos i din haf a more personal table
n laz week or so i juz changed to a more personal table
maybe end of this week or nxt week i will need to shift to another lvl to work.

so, with a more personal table i can use moi 摇摇头hello kitty ^^
n now i short of a sofa on moi table for moi phone.
gona get it when im back in sg =)

now i wana post pix of moi 摇摇头hello kitty.
had some trouble taking the pix
as the name had said itz a 摇摇头hello kitty =P

after a few shots......
i realized i goto stop itz frm moving
if not i couldnt get a nice steady shot

so i stopped it n tada:

heh... itz such a cutey itzit it! =)
reali like it =)

a butterfly landed @ 9:36 AM