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Friday, August 31, 2007

WOW this is moi 100th post!
taking a break frm moi JamesPatterson book
n gona update on moi sg shoppe

no b4 gg out pix on 2ndAug
but i wil post wat i've bot

we woke up earlier purposely to go for the CrystalJade dim sum
CrystalJade dim sum ends @ 3pm
thu itz 3pm if u went ter 1+ or 2+
those popular dishes wil be OOS...

so we went to the nearest CrystalJade
itz @ bishan
after the eating itz shoppe time
☆bot 2 JamesPatterson books frm popular
(ahlim bot 1 for me)
☆bot a cherries ripples slippers for $9.90

moi cherries slippers:

after bishan we went to AMK
i need to get cross-stitch stuff

@ the shop
☆i bot the cloth on the drawing tat i intend to do + DMC745
(i had been carrying the pix inside moi bag)
☆photocopied some more PM drawings

pix on the drawing i intend to do:
i had the drawing quite sometime liao
& i hope i will complete this drawing

n the drawings i had photocopied:

back to AMK hub:
☆bot a hair clip
☆ahlim bot me 2 mini clips
☆ahlim treat me to watch HarryPotter show cos i treat him on the morning dim sum
(Harry Potter nice show! luckily we can watch it)
hmm... we settled our dinner @ the food court
suprisingly tat 2 of us dun feel hungry
but stil goto eat b4 the show

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a butterfly landed @ 2:43 PM

laz nite i trimmed moi nails
n now moi right hand nails were shorter than moi lefty ones...
*arrgh* *miscue*
i cant haf too short fingernails.
kinda unbalance for 1 or 2 fingers.

n becos of the short nails,
i cant do moi 'planned' nailart for this weekend.
haf to do a simplier nailart.

had made an appt for mani & pedi on 1stAug @ far east
so b4 im gg for moi appt
i met up jiahui for lunchie
gr8 to see her
but the time we got togather was kinda short

@ the bus stop waiting for 132 to go far east:
im using MM BL724 + Kate PU1 (purple) for tat day MU.
murphy law 'strikes' again
i waited for the 132 for a long time lei...
nearly cross over to take bus to kovan for train.

n we had chicky rice for lunch
+ a short coffee talk @ kayun b4 i go off for moi appt.

n this is the outcome:
ter r more pix @ My Starrylicious

moi ahlim came to meet me after i had done moi nails
acc him for lunch
then wok ard far east after tat shift to wisma
heh... met up juan + steven

we had MOS for dinner
☆ahlim bot me an anklet frm moshi moshi
(pix of the anklet is where i showed moi crocs)
☆ahlim oso bot me a thermal flask frm taka
(itz good to use in good weather)


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a butterfly landed @ 9:37 AM

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

itz withley on da house!!!
heh... i juz remember to take pix of him when i went home
such a good boi


n smiling:
i liked it when he slighty open his mouth...
looks like smiling =)

change position:
lucky he juz got a haircut so he looks more shuai...

little withley pix:
cant imagaine he used to be such little...

a butterfly landed @ 9:14 AM

i miss home...

miss moi mama...

miss moi papa...

miss whitley...

i get emo easily whenever i miss home
but i reali reali miss home...

n ters no life here @ all
no sat no sun

a butterfly landed @ 9:14 AM

Monday, August 27, 2007

moi ahlim brought me out for korean food laz sat(25aug)
*happie happie*
n he commented tat moi nailart tat i've done tat day is nice.
this sentence frm him reali make moi day!
so faster go to
*My Starrylicious*to take a look

on 31stJul, we went out ard evening time
so oni go to AMK Hub for dinner n a little shoppe
had a brown e/s for tat 'day'

we had roti prata as dinner frm Ah Mei Cafe
☆ahlim bot a battery frm Nokia shop
☆some groceries frm NTUC

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a butterfly landed @ 8:48 AM

i liked the top tat i had bot for J
one of moi fave top on him.
actuali itz not something veri special
itz juz a polo tee frm bossini

pix of the top:
hopes J reali dun mind i post up his pix

i still prefer to call J, ahlim
i owayz called him tat.

moi ahlim 单人照:
wif his fav berm
this top oso goes well wif jeans la...



a butterfly landed @ 8:48 AM

Saturday, August 25, 2007

i got a *ooolaalaa* striking red nail polish on moi hands now...
juz painted yesterday
goto continue later
the color is juz like the picture i posted b4...
lurve it!

n im gona fin moi 3rd latest JamePatterson books
in juz 2 weeks


a butterfly landed @ 10:11 AM

Friday, August 24, 2007

finali a shoppe wif juan+steven on 29thJul
we kind of go out shoppe together quite often

we went to kovan for our lunchie 1st wif juan
then meet steven @ city hall
our shoppe desination for the dae is
MS n maybe Suntec

moi b4 gg out pix:
i tink am using the Bodyshop e/s (Amethyst)

n im gonna show moi crocs pix
moi crocs was a little different coz i got flowers to decorate it
itzit more pretty?
heh... im lurving it...

@ MS:
☆J bot moi crocs flowers frm the crocs shop
☆bot 2 more satuma aroma oil + 1 e/s frm bodyshop
ETA: the color of the e/s = Emerald
tatz all frm MS...

we did go to suntec
n we got nothing frm suntec
do u knw suntec got a new 'small' fountain @ the newly reno place???
n tat fountain was made up of strings of water
n due to the lighting the strings of water seems to be moving up...
hah... J & me discover it previously n this time purposely bring juan+steven to see the fountain.

n itz dinner time after all the woking
the 4 of us went back to hougang for dinner.


a butterfly landed @ 9:01 AM

Thursday, August 23, 2007

my upper-left-inner gum was swollen since yesterday
duno wat caused it to happen
how n when it wil go off...

i can 'feel it' when im chewing moi food...
praying tat it would faster 'de-swollen'

a butterfly landed @ 2:07 PM

i had given up on viewing moi bloggies...
had emailed the ISP here laz week
@ 1st im stil hoping on receving their reply email...
but til now
n i had emailed them twice.
1st, to ask them look into this matter.
2nd, hey wheres my reply? n i stil cant view the pages.

not even an reply n under the
状况兰 itz wrote 已处理.

the CS here reali su***!


a butterfly landed @ 9:56 AM

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

the 1st weekend in sg, 28Jul
quite a busy shoppe day for me

1st up start wif b4 moi gai gai pix:

bot this top frm forever21 when im @ sg previously

1 more:

n laz one:

we went kovan 1st to meet J's frd

(the J's frd tat we haf been meeting = kenrick)
n this pax let us waited for him for TWO hrs!!!
2hrs okay!!!
wasted our time @ kovan
walking up & down; down & up
n we decided to move on to the nxt place w/o him....

@ laz met him @ seragoon...

waiting for moi stuff n then kenrick's to be done:
a secret on the stuff to be done...

so now our shoppe trip then started
3 of us went to Vivo
cos i wana get something frm ter

@ Vivo we wok til quite late then haf our dinner
☆we went to Earle Swensen's for dinner
(itz kinda dif frm the normal swensen. their main course were more on steaks. but luckily stil got the fish & chips)
☆J bot some chocolates for moi mama
☆bot a pink calculator & a cup cover frm action city
☆bot a big bottle of nailpolish remover & 2 3D nailart sticker frm sasa
☆bot a fuschia MaryJane crocs:
n tatz my motive to go vivo

this crocs is for moi 'china wearing'
cos im not reali a flats/slippers pax when i go shoppe in sg...

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a butterfly landed @ 1:54 PM

Monday, August 20, 2007

so we planned to hafa dinner wif moi mama+papa on 27thJul after we went back to sg.

b4 gg out pix:


so went to bugis for a short shoppe b4 gg chinatown to meet moi mama+papa
din buy any stuffs in bugis cos we reali spend a short while @ ter
we oni went to the money changer.

so met moi mama+papa n moi bro
for frog porridge.
*oh i reali miz moi mama*
n the frog porridge was reali yummie
we reali prefer the chinatown frog porridge than geylang's.
after all the yum yum...
we went back home.


a butterfly landed @ 10:59 AM

Saturday, August 18, 2007

i used to post moi b4 gg gai gai pix on moi friendster blog
tat friendster blog had died on me...
i can write but the pix tat i loaded itz not showing....
becoz itz uses friendster blog to load???
anw, im gona post it here now
(gai gai = gg for a shoppe)

everytime we went back sg
we sorta go out everyday
we settled our dinner outside
if not we will go back moi place for moi mama cooking
so, this wil oso gona be moi sg shopping diary

will start wif 26thJul
we went PS for shoppe

b4 gg gai gai pix:
this top was bot frm thailand

actuali to show moi b4 gg out pix was to show moi MU but the colors din show out...

@ PS we had MOS burger for dinner
*yummie yummie*
☆bot some redcurrant puffs for moi mama n oso to bring back china
☆bot 2 of JamesPatterson books frm Times
☆bot some nailart stuffs frm Daiso
☆J bot some aroma oil + an e/s for me frm Bodyshop
(color of the e/s is Amethyst)
*nicey nicey*
☆bot some cross-stitch stuffs frm Spotlight
☆bot some drinks for our mini fridge frm carrefour
n lastly had supper @ KFC b4 gg back
hehheh coz we had our dinner quite early
J frd came to meet us while we r shopping-ing

(MU = make up)
(e/s = eyeshadow)

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a butterfly landed @ 9:35 AM

Friday, August 17, 2007

had been reading moi latest JamesPatterson book lately
bot 4 more of JamesPatterson books.

♥2nd Chance♥ & ♥3rd Degree♥

♥4th of July♥ & ♥Cross♥
J bot 4th of July for me. ^_^

and the book im reading now is
2nd Chance

this time i finali got the kind of bookmark tat i wan
cant find this kind of bookmark in most PM shops le...
am so happie when i spotted it...

a butterfly landed @ 9:48 AM

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

juz heard a sad news frm moi bud yday...

had lost one of our poly lecturer on 13Aug....
Mr. Kenneth Tham
he had a sudden heart attack in the sch office.

he was quite a good teacher.
a respective teacher.
kinda sad & sudden tat he was gone...

he let us knw watz impt to us if we wana continue doin ticketing.
he let us knw abacus is impt, the 2 alphabetic country codes, the 2 alphabetic city codes.

goodbye Mr. Tham!

a butterfly landed @ 8:23 AM

Monday, August 13, 2007

back to work now...

another 60dayz to go

this time back to sg
i had done a 3d acrylic nailart
finali done it =D
gg to post in moi Starrylicious now.

n i've got more JamesPatterson books!!!

n i still cant view blogspot; friendster blog; wretch blog

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a butterfly landed @ 4:03 PM